The Mechanical Electrical Plumbing Productivity Pack is the premier content pack on the market today. It was specifically designed for companies who are designing/working in both the mechanical and electrical disciplines. The MEPPP takes the Mechanical and Electrical Productivity Packs and rolls them into one easy-to-use pack that is ready to use right out of the box.
- Project setup time is decreased by utilizing comprehensive project organization
- Automatically detects when elements are mistakenly placed on the wrong workset
- Hosted families have been converted to un-hosted
- 50 view templates for all view types, including schedules and 100 predefined view filters
- All family content is fully integrated with extensive schedules & tags
- Over 225 mechanical details with all Revit linework and annotations
- User manual includes links to over 7.5 hrs of instructional videos
- Buit-in formulas to calculate MOCP, FLA, KVA, & more (with overrides provided for each)
- Parametric Electrical One-line diagrams & feeder schedules in Revit
- 350 + electrical families with over 200 symbols
- Electrical clearance areas based on NEC guidelines
- All family content is fully integrated with extensive schedules & tags